studio > The Baron in the Trees

The Baron in the Trees - Modern Times
inkjetprint on selfadhesive vinyl, video i-pod, 1min videoloop, i-pod speaker
1.64m x 1.64m
The Baron in the Trees - Modern Times
inkjetprint on selfadhesive vinyl, video i-pod, 1min videoloop, i-pod speaker
1.64m x 1.64m
The Baron in the Trees - Modern Times
inkjetprint on selfadhesive vinyl, video i-pod, 1min videoloop, i-pod speaker
1.64m x 1.64m
The Baron in the Trees - Modern Times
inkjetprint on selfadhesive vinyl, video i-pod, 1min videoloop, i-pod speaker

inkjetprint on selfadhesive vinyl 1.64m x 1.64m
selfadhesive vinyl on video ipod and ipodspeaker
1 minute videoloop